Set in a dystopian near future where otaku culture in Japan has been obliterated by a mysterious organization known as "SSC", Magical Girl Destroyers follows the misadventures of Otaku Hero—a young revolutionary who loves otaku culture—and Anarchy, Blue, and Pink, a trio of magical girls who admire him. Together they struggle to create "a world where you can say what you like about what you like as much as you like."
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Other name: 魔法少女マジカルデストロイヤーズ
Genres: Mahou Shoujo
Date aired: Apr 08, 2023
Set in a dystopian near future where otaku culture in Japan has been obliterated by a mysterious organization known as "SSC", Magical Girl Destroyers follows the misadventures of Otaku Hero—a young revolutionary who loves otaku culture—and Anarchy, Blue, and Pink, a trio of magical girls who admire him. Together they struggle to create "a world where you can say what you like about what you like as much as you like."
(Source: Crunchyroll)
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